Stories ➟ EM Johnson

Finding Strength in Faith —Imperfect Lives, Perfect Grace

EM Johnson


The God Conundrum: Reflections on a Universal Perspective

There are many people’s stories in our lives that we come across that inspire us, whether to be a better person, to work harder, or to grow into a better version of ourselves, depending on our circumstances in life. Imperfect Lives, Perfect Grace by E.M. Johnson retells the stories of two Biblical women who became an example of courage, strength, and unshakable faith in God for all those who came after them till the end of times.

Imperfect Lives, Perfect Grace is a ray of hope for people struggling in life —with no way out of a life that keeps dragging them down. Leah and Tamar, both extraordinary women, encourage us to hang on and pull through in our harshest times if we just believe in God and surrender to him our desires and dreams, and then and only then can our lives become peaceful.

Tamar’s story is a devastating one, and it makes us feel sympathetic as well as conflicted about whether to support Tamar’s actions as a response to the tragedy that befell her or hold her responsible for her wrongdoings. The book explores the concept of sin and how it is never a singular deed, always influenced by the people around us and to fulfill our worldly desires, when the true and right way to achieve success and contentment in life is through the grace of God and by following His teachings from the Holy Bible —from both the Old and New Testaments.

E.M. Johnson’s Imperfect Lives, Perfect Grace implores the readers to take a more contemplative stance on the way people are and what motivates them to make the decisions they do, making us more empathetic towards those lost in life and in need of a hand. The book is now available online on the official website or Amazon.


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